Books —

"First, Karl had to download and install a package called pgf. Then it turns out that inside this package there is another package called TikZ, which is supposed to stand for "TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm". Karl finds this all a bit strange and TikZ seems to indicate that the package does not do what he needs."


A manga-inspired series about Scott Pilgrim, a Canadian twenty-something who dreams of a girl who he later meets and from whom he learns that to be with her, he has to defeat her seven evil ex-boyfriends.


I kind of like this series' light-heartedness and the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. The drawing style is unique, but not fantastic in any way, which detracts from it. If you're looking for a light and funny read, go for it.

Listing books in the Scott Pilgrim series (6)

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